1. 7 icons fixed (no green backgrounds for now)
2. repair cost for repairman reduced
3. new modes for host:
-bg ,balanced game,no gold from empire,so only way is to kill enemy captains and normal ships,or search for your own way!
-xt SAFE MODE ,forces the game to turn SAvE/LOAD system off,impossible both load and save

4. Dynamic Weather - is totaly remade,water change from BLACK-to-BLUE its absolutely soft for now!
more water colors added,not only blue,weather effects will appear more random

5. new mini game: Sea Weed will spawned at center area in quantity of 10,you need to search it and collect,
each one cost 100gold - but you can sell it only to the "ship parts merchants",after you sell the weed,it will spawned again,
so it gives +1000gold total,but of course its not necessary,and from the "killing towers" tactic you get more,btw your choice

6. New items:
Gordon ingram LAB

7. Black Pearl 9500HP (old value 9000HP)
8. Hunter on Sharks 11 000HP (old value 12 000HP)
9. crusader's "hide" ability - hotkey "W" for now
10.new vote system - which allows you to choice how much decks will be! MAX GUNS: 6-24
11. major bug in vote system is fixed
if number of votes for 2/3/4 modes is a draw - script normally will set the DEFAULT mode,but for now, finally wins the mode which stand above
,for example if RUSH2 and RUSH3 - is a draw,wins RUSH2...

12. firing missiles cost 100/500/1000 (old value 500/2500/5000)
13. a lot of other little changes and fixes

PS. since NO FLYING SHIPS mode its a host command,you simply can use it always if you consider what
"the flying ships its a disbalance"... (but its not)