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Hi all,

i'm from Germany and im in Battleships Clan. I think u should all know this clan. Im wondering why u havent clan in russia or why for example Cemen dont visit us in channel: clan bsm     I mean this is the best clan in europe until today and russia is a part of eu too^^. we have also a second clan: BSMA battleships master award  if u are  good or like to have clan wars or just talking with battleships friends come to channel: clan bsm                     hope i see as much as possible of u^^.

p.s. im from kazachstan but moved to germany many years ago, cant write russia but can talk a bit. daswidanja^^



i am not good, i am just GOD in battle ships,you know... so what the clans we are actually talking about?
some bundle of noobs which consider what they are the best FROM THE BEST - and in reality actually nothing...
I think you, guys really do not know as masters look really,I have played 10 000 games - why no one cant defeate me in any ways?
I speak so couse - all clans for noobs or for little children... If you are proud to be in a clan - the ego has gobbled up your freedom.Its all what i can to say.

and of course no need to be in any clan,if you just love battle ships,better be alone - but play good,you know,but anyway i wish you luck...




if u are so good lets play advanced pro 3.5b or maps which are often played in uswest or useast or even here in europe. i think u can only play games like allstars and so on. we could make clanwar or 1on1 on this maps. joining clan isnt a thing of egoismus, in a clan u can play vs guys who are also very good in bships. in a clan people dont leave and u can train on much higher level. well, u can visit us in channel and show us how really godlike pros play, if u arent scared^^. i hope we'll see us.

Отредактировано GBhindert.BSM (2007-09-02 16:33:42)



of course we can,and we will play,i know all maps well ,but some facts:

maps with 6 inventory slots:
advanced have 53 guns
pro3.5b have 61 guns
allstars 4.0F have 94 guns

maps with 24 inventory slots:
expression 1.3F have 127 guns

so i dont understand your problem with my maps... too many options for your little brain? or that? i really dont understand...
you understand that any version with 10-100 guns its too easy... And not only for me... (i play since 2003year , you know )




i believe u that u are a very good player but i dont understand why talk in this way about others. I just came here to the forum for inviting u playing battleships with us or even show us some maps of u cause nobody here in europe plays ur map. I came for talking with u like a battleships teammate but u just talk alltime shit. u say im a noob and to be in a clan is useless and so on. nobody sayed that u are  a noob, especially not me. I just wanna play some games with u guys but i think im not welcome here in ur forum.

Отредактировано GBhindert.BSM (2007-09-04 13:55:37)



lol? i respect all people,and all guys are welcome,so relax... i just try to say you, that its pretty boring for me to play a map with low amount of cannons, you know... couse i play battleships for a really long time... but anyway lets play one game with "pro3.5b" version,and one game with "advanced" version




hm, Cemeh u are perhaps a pro on sked(never played with u that map) but u are such a noob on other versions like pro3.5b or advanced. I just cant understand why u are talking like this about clans and about how godlike u are if u are not good on this versions. A godlike pro can play all versions, the old ones and the new ones. So please show more respect next time.
Actually i wanted to ask if u and ur clanless mates wanna have a clanwar on pro 3.5b or 1.189 or advanced!!!
Perhaps u should join our channel: clan bsm  for playing some real pro games or just showing us ur maps like allstars or expression
see ya



Семёныч,это ещё один из твоих фэйков ?




listen man "advanced 5.44" - its the most disbalanced map ever,only Puzzle Cannon rocks... (adv. 4.0+ was better,i played one)
13attleShips[3.5b]  - its the most stupid map ever - lol IPEONRUSH everywhere,even on SKINS!! thats guy really retard (13attleShips 2.0 was better)
pro1.180 - good map ,but pro1.90 - is really bad (stupid Intercept "select-target-ability")

why i speak so? couse all this maps do not continue sked's ideas... (its only for to be another)
and its really funny: my "expression" map looks different... but in reality its more like sked3.0 then all this maps gathered together!! lol

PS. man... if you not retard just play normal maps...
PS2. bs map - supressor's 4.22 - was my favorite one (2004-2005)
PS3. and you will see, soon all BS maps will be with 24-48 inventory slots,since i found a way how to make it...
and i pesonally guarantee that the "Advanced" - will be the first,who will steal my idea,you know,so relax...




u know im shammy in my clan and i try to link people or even clans. I knew that u are the mapmaker of allstars, expression... but i never saw u in bnet, in bships clans, nor in bsm nor in boat nor in cpt and so on... I thought u have an own clan and hoped to make friendship with ur clan. But then u tell me ur opinion about clan and that u aren't in a clan. Perhaps u should join BSM and show all ur maps. We could do clanwars vs lordearon-clans or just show all bships clans ur maps. I tell u all these things cause i think not many people know ur maps and i think if bsm would represent ur maps much more clans would play ur maps, but thats ur decission.



ok i join BSM,not for share map,but because I consider you as the normal one man...


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