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Battle Ships Expression - your opinion

Сообщений 1 страница 6 из 6


how good map is?
[100/100] map is Perfect!

57% - 8
[75/100] map is Good!

28% - 4
[50/100] its just a normal map

14% - 2
[0/100] sux! map is nothing

0% - 0
Голосов: 14


dont like map or author of the map? or you like ? lets speak about it



save / load system for ONLINE STATUS -its very good idea! i wonder why stupid icefrog cant create similar system for his DOTA



map its not ready yet,but i like all versions from 3.0F-4.1F and i think that map is really good,becouse all players have ability to save the status and its an ultimate feature!



not bad not bad,but you can do better,you know



Has bugs, can't seem ot have a game go longer than 5 minutes without all players dropping in battle.net
Awesome looking map though, looking forward to a STABLE version



Mavzor написал(а):

Has bugs, can't seem ot have a game go longer than 5 minutes without all players dropping in battle.net

man this map contains high-advanced systems like CPFD system (non constant dmg,you know) and i think you (and another) need 512RAM for stable life...
couse i play it regulary ,and no lags for me,right now I have played 1.3F... We have begun 5x5 and no problems has been detected... so i dont know what to say

PS. but anyway,i will check the map for memory leaks again


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